‘’We need to make sure that our industry is one that attracts rather deters the top talent from all backgrounds’’
– Sheree Howard, Executive Director, Authorisations FCA
Support the Project
The Wealth Management & Financial Advice industry has a perception issue and is often seen as traditional, stuffy, boring, with an inherent slant to white middle class men, alongside reputational and trust issues with financial services in general. As I’m sure you have experienced, this has a significant impact on the ability of firms to attract and retain the best talent.
The make it campaign is here to overturn these perceptions and highlight that our industry can be a force for good, helping people through the difficult financial moments of their lives and helping them plan for the future – be that for retirement or whatever other goals they may have.
make it is a bold call to action for new talent from all kinds of backgrounds to come in and shape old traditions into something better, while ‘making it’ in their career.

This PIMFA project has been guided by a steering group of industry CEOs, HR Directors and
up-and-coming talent in the industry, and presents a bright new future for the sector; one that is
responsible, equitable and inclusive, but more than this, one that shows we understand the issues and are capable of change.
Part of PIMFA’s TIDE initiative to increase Talent, Inclusion, Diversity and Equity within the Wealth Management & Financial Advice workforce, make it is a campaign we want everyone in the
sector to participate with.
That’s why we’ve created this toolkit, for you to use, so your firm can join in with the campaign and
hep make our industry a more attractive place to start a career and work in – for people from every kind of background.
By taking part, you are helping us show that you and your organisation are a leading beacon in this much needed change. Thank you for your taking the time to engage with our campaign. We look forward to seeing how we can continue to work together to build an industry that is as valued by society as it is valuable to it.
There are many ways you can get involved.
1. Share this microsite
Help us open the eyes of outsiders — the make it. microsite is full of videos of diverse and inspiring people who work in our industry. Share it to your candidates, show them what a career in welath management and advice is really like.
2. Download the logo
Let people know you’re proud to be taking part in the campaign! From websites to social media, email signatures to flyers, use the official free-to-use ‘make it.’ logo across your own promotions. It’s a great way to showcase your activities and inspire potential hires.
Download Logo
3. Get social
Social media is the latest form of storytelling and it’s a great way to share your vacancies, join the conversation and reach new audiences. Whether your preferred channel is Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, don’t forget to use our campaign hashtags on your posts to help people find your content: #makeitPIMFA
4. Start hiring!
From examplar job descriptions to social media post templates, this toolkit is full of creative material that you can take and adapt for your own diversity and hiring campaigns. Everything is free to use and can be downloaded with ease as you explore the guide.
If you would like to get involved please contact info@pimfa.co.uk
Want to know more?
learn it.
earn it.
make it.

build it.
share it.
make it.

dream it.
live it.
make it.

shake it.
shape it.
make it.