
What financial services do

Make it. - Be part of the next generation to change the industry for the better and help us build brighter personal financial futures for everyone

Finances are a huge part of people's lives, but they don’t often know a lot about the financial services or the wealth and advice profession.

Financial decision making about big things like pensions, savings or investments can be scary and stressful. Our industry is here to help provide reassurance, expertise and services for people of all ages and backgrounds across society to manage that anxiety and aid decision making.

We're here to help everyone's hard-earned money work harder for them

We’re here to help everyone’s hard-earned money work harder for them through investment and provide them greater returns that allow them to achieve their hopes and dreams – such as buying a home or paying for their kids to go university, to being able to retire comfortably and so much more.

We’re a predominantly people facing industry, with so many different roles available within it, from HR, Marketing, Facilities to Operations, Policy, IT, PR, Legal, Compliance and more besides, as well as the better-known roles like financial adviser, wealth manager, or broker who help people manage their savings and investments and plan for their future.

Often a lot of people think that the financial advice or wealth management is not for them

"I like the idea that the guidance I offer can have a real impact in many of these peoples lives."

– Myron Jobson, Senior Personal Finance Campaigner